Over the years, we’ve heard many wonderful one-liners from members about their growth experience at Junto:

  • “It’s fundamentally altering the DNA of the company and the way we work together.” – Dave Dyson, Eclipse

  • “What I learned in Junto is like x-ray glasses.” – Mark Murrell, GetMaineLobster

  • “What I thought was going to be too big of an investment in time was one of the best investments in time I’ve ever made.” – Chris Ruder, Spikeball

  • “I knew change was needed but I didn’t know that I was the person that needed to be changed.” – Michael Patak, TopstepTrader

  • “I didn’t recognize how un-emotionally intelligent I was until we had to go through the experience.” – Kathy Steele, Red Caffeine

There are many more of those to choose from, and it continues to inspire us when we hear them on a regular basis. Like last week.

During a Forum session, Vishu Ramanathan, co-founder/CEO of Buildout, shared a personal reflection: “I’ve grown my emotional intelligence from a 6…up to a 3.”

It perfectly captured what we often hear at Junto, and what is often uttered by people as they age – that the more we learn, the more we discover we have yet to learn. And emotional intelligence falls right into that category, aptly so because self-awareness is its foundation.

In my experience studying and practicing EI, I feel like I’m climbing a mountain that doesn’t have a peak. And periodically, when I turn around and look back at how much progress I’ve made, I’m humbled by how far I’ve yet to go. And just like so many people experience in Junto, it’s comforting when I realize that I’m not alone.